Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I hope you all have a very blessed Easter day. I'm looking so forward to our worship services this morning. It's a chilly but beautiful morning. The recent rain has burst everything into blossom and bloom. The birds are singing their hearts out this morning and I intend to join in soon.
It's been a wonderful spring break and it's coming to a close. My son will be heading back to college today. (sigh) He's last spring break as a single guy. He packed up his room this week so his stuff is ready to move into the apartment when it opens up. It will be just him, his clothes, and his laptop when he comes back at the end of the semester. One more day of break for DD, except she has a track meet in the afternoon. Outdoor season starts and "Tut, Tut, It looks like rain" to quote Christopher Robin.

1 comment:

bcriminger said...

I started packing up my apartment yesterday. I have 5 more weeks here and 2 of those weekends I will be back at my parents' house. Leaving less and less time. Change is good!